Temescal Canyon

High School

Advanced Drawing and Painting  



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  1. Basic Shapes
  2. Basic Forms
  3. Visual Texture
  4. Gesture Drawing
  5. Stick Figures

Quicksketch pages:

Complete a series of pages in your sketchbook that illustrate a variety of quick sketch techniques.

The Objectives:

To practice and create a reference section in your sketchbook for the following quick sketch techniques. Follow each link to find the specific step-by-step direction on completing each sketchbook page:

Assignment Turn-in:

  • Using Google Drive or another .PDF Scanner App, create a .PDF of all pages included in this assignment
  • Upload or save your .pdf file in your Google Drive Turn-In folder in the appropriate assignment subfolder if available.
  • Rename this .pdf as follows:
    • <YourName>_<ProjectName>_<Assignment>.pdf
      • Example- JohnDoe_StillLifeProject_ProjectPreparationPage.PDF
      • NOTE- In Google Drive you do not need to add ".PDF" when you rename the file