Linear Perspective Models
Linear perspective is often a challenge for artists. It is not difficult to look at works of art and find errors in the linear perspective which may call the artist’s education into question. To review linear perspective quickly we will put together two brief models of the two most prevalent forms of linear perspective.

Making the linear perspective models
- Collect the essential materials:
- Magazines containing a variety of photographs
- Scissors
- Glue stick
- Fine tip markers of at least three different colors
- ruler or other device for drawing straight lines.
- Review two-point perspective by following the steps in this video for drawing a surreal city. Draw it at 1/2 scale (6"X9").
- Search through the magazines for examples of interior and exterior spaces and cut them out. Make sure that your interior spaces show at least three walls to be used for your single point perspective model. Your exterior space should include a cube of some form (building, box, table, etc.) with one of the corners closest to you the viewer.
- Glue the best example of two point perspective on one page of your sketchbook and the example of single point perspective on another. (HINT: “Landscape” orientation works best.)
- Using a pencil, lightly draw in the alignment lines until they converge on a single point. Label this point of convergence “Vanishing Point.”
- Draw a line horizontally through the vanishing point(s). Label this line “Horizon Line.”
- Using fine tip markers, draw over the different lines and points with different colors to “color code” your model
Authoring the Linear Perspective Models page
- Label the page of your sketchbook “Linear Perspective Models” at the top neatly.
- On this page in full, complete sentences, and in a visually creative way, answer the following question correctly:
- What type of linear perspective is this?
- How can you tell?
- What is always at “eye level” in linear perspective?
Include two additional “facts” about these drawings (ex.: where they were drawn, what time of day it was, date, etc.)
Assignment Turn-in
- Using Google Drive or another .PDF Scanner App, create a .PDF of all pages included in this assignment from the Value Key Info to the Value Key Models.
- Rename this .pdf as follows:
- <YourName>_<ProjectName>_<Assignment>.pdf
- Example- JohnDoe_StillLifeProject_ProjectPreparationPage.PDF
- NOTE- In Google Drive you do not need to add ".PDF" when you rename the file
- Turn your assignment in to Google Classroom.