Temescal Canyon

High School

Advanced Drawing and Painting  



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Project Preparatation page(s):

Each project has a beginning and it usually starts with learning about the tasks and materials involved in the project. These, of course, are key components to the successful completion to the project but projects themselves have a purpose too: To show learning. Project Preparation Pages are a chance to really look at what an art student should be showing in their work, it isn't just images, but an understanding of how to make them in with specific skills and knowledge.

Mounting the Project Preparation Page into your sketchbook:

(Always save a space at the top or along the side for a page title.)

  1. Open your sketchbook to the next blank page.
  2. If necessary, paint or prepare the page for new information.
  3. Print a small copy of one or two successful examples of the project from previous students.
  4. Glue in the examples making sure the samples are well glued down so that they do not become dislodged from the repeated turning of pages.


Authoring the Project Preparation Page

  1. Label the page(s) of your sketchbook at the top or along the side neatly with the title, “<Project Name> Project Preparation" where the Greater-than and Less-than symbols along with "Project Name" are replaced with the name of the current project. For example: Figure Drawing Project Preparation.
  2. From the calendar on the home page, write the due date for this project.
  3. View the "Project Presentation" and answer the following questions:
    • What media will your need to acquire?
    • What are the "Learning Goals" of this project? (HINT: They are also in the "Grading Rubric.")
    • Out of a 15pt. score, what score would you like to recieve? For example: "According to the rubric, I should be able to score a 14 out of 15 poss.
    • From the grading rubric, write out the descriptors that would make this score happen.
  4. When complete, your page should look something like this:

    Or this:


Assignment Turn-in

  1. Using Google Drive or another .PDF Scanner App, create a .PDF of all pages included in this assignment from the Value Key Info to the Value Key Models.
  2. Upload or save your .pdf file in your Google Drive Turn-In folder in the appropriate assignment subfolder if available.
  3. Rename this .pdf as follows:
    • <YourName>_<ProjectName>_<Assignment>.pdf
      • Example- JohnDoe_StillLifeProject_ProjectPreparationPage.PDF
      • NOTE- In Google Drive you do not need to add ".PDF" when you rename the file.